Star-Viper is the sixth figure in the Cobra Re-color
Project. This guy looked great from the factory, but he just had too much Iron
Grenadier in him, and needed a bit more Cobra to his colors.
The yellow visor from Astro-Vipers helmet was a theme I wanted to keep for all
the Space Vipers, but aside from that it was a tossup between coloring him more
like Strato-Viper or Astro-Viper. Star-Viper is sort of a half way point
between the Strato and Astro-Viper, he operates in space, but his abilities are
more focused on fighter craft combat where Astro is more of a traditional
astronaut and works out in vacuum on space stations and satellites etc. The
Strato-Viper style was decided on, with a touch of gold tossed in to give a
little connection to Astro-Viper.
I needed a way to separate his upper and lower half so he wouldn't end up solid
gray and dull. Looking at the figure it appeared he has leggings separate from
the rest of the suit so this gave me a good spot to divide the colors. I came
up with a reason for this, since he's a fighter pilot in the tight confines of
his cockpit he would need something far less bulky than what Astro-Viper wears.
The black jumpsuit is primarily to protect against vacuum in space, and a more
insulated step-in smock is worn over the vital areas to give additional
protection against vacuum and cold. He wouldn't need the level of protection
Astro-Viper has, just enough to keep him alive until a rescue shuttle arrives
if he ejects from his ship, or to get him back to base if he loses cabin
By using the gray step-in smock over black jumpsuit idea, I was able to make
his legs black similar to Strato-Viper and keep him from suffering the problem
Gyro-Viper had of the solid gray jumpsuit and not enough other details to break
it up. It also gives the impression that there is something different about his
suit, its not just a simple nomex flight suit but a more advanced space suit of
some sort.
I did this guy first with a silver Cobra logo on the face, but it was so shiny
and bright that it looked like a hood ornament on a Mercedes. I decided to try
it in red but that looked awful next to the yellow face plate. I was thinking about
leaving it black, then I decided to try it in gold and this seemed to work out
pretty good. It gave a good compliment to the faceplate, but much more toned
down than the silver and was less overwhelming.
Here are the final pics, he fits in great with the other Cobra Aero-Space guys
now and doesn't look so much like an Iron Grenadier.
Figure: Star-Viper 1988
Scheme: Aero-Space
Notes: Here are several shots of Star-Viper from various angles, and a
group shot next to the two figures he is most closely related. Here you can
really see the balance this figure strikes between the other two, and together
they look like a transition from pilot to astronaut. The pistol grip and knife
handle I painted silver at the last moment to add a little more detail to the